Ultimate X10 Corn Header
One of the most desired headers on the market.
The only header with a 100% aluminum chassis structure.. The lightest on the market, best finish and durability. In addition to the low maintenance index due to less corrosion.Real universal coupling! With the exchange of few items the header can be switched between combines.Exclusive cleaning system for stripping rollers. The stripping rollers are built with 6 machined fins, ensuring perfection in their measurements, bringing the scrapers closer together, allowing harvesting in infested and/or intercropped crops.Adjustment of the snail through the simple exchange of gears. Exclusive attack angle adjustment. Equipped with 5-position angle adjustment, modifying your ground attack. In addition, their beaks can be distanced from the table, allowing a closer harvest to the ground, ensuring more productivity and reducing the loss of ears.

- Yield beyond measure, harvesting on a large scale to break productivity records.
- A platform developed for high performance, providing harvesting speed and performance.
- Closed lateral transmission with oil bath as standard, reducing maintenance time.
- transmission boxes with aluminum structure and lubrication in grade 0 grease.
- GTS headers can be equipped with buoyancy and heading sensors.