RTK Network
Unlike traditional GPS systems, which rely on data from satellites alone, RTK GPS systems use additional data from a nearby base station to improve the accuracy of the GPS data. This can provide positioning data that is accurate to within centimeters, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. The RTK system will store your paths, this enables farmers to conduct subsequent operations on the field more easily, while minimizing soil compaction and avoiding damaging of planted rows, even when performing high-accuracy operations such as in-row weeding and cultivation.

ADVANTAGES OF NETWORK RTK The advantages of Network RTK are: - No need to set up a base station - The accuracies of the computed rover positions are more homogeneous. - The accuracy is maintained over larger distances between the reference stations and the rover. - The same area can be covered with fewer reference stations (i.e. compared to the number of permanent reference stations required using Single Reference RTK). - Higher reliability and availability of RTK corrections (e.g. one station goes down, another station can “take over”).